Your game isn't ready for cheats
Playfair is
AI powered anti-cheat. Works for any game.

Stop cheating in your game

Behavioral modeling can flag anomolies for you.


Score players based on their behavior

Match #1

Player's stats well above historical norm.

Chance of cheats: 38%

Match #2

Player's stats 47% better than every other player in match.

Chance of cheats: 64%

Increase of 26%

Match #3

Player's actions per minute higher than top 20 players.

Chance of cheats: 98%

Increase of 34%

Threashold reached above 96% - notifying admin

split Images

Build with Playfair

Data stored onchain for 3rd party development. Tap into an ecosystem outside of your game to give it additional reach and support.

Using Playfair, developers can pull apis from one location and build:

- Tournament platforms ensuring fair play.

- Esports betting sites with validated no cheat matches.

- More tools for existing oracles targeting web3 gaming projects.

Get rewarded for your data.

Install a few lines of code and access new revenue streams

Store game state onchain.

Our ML model will rate the players and store scores onchain.
  • Match results
  • Player actions
  • In game behavior

3rd party developers access data

We share 60% of the fee to access the data with you. Share that with your players to drive retention.
  • Tournament platforms
  • Other oracles
  • Esports betting sites

Built in growth

Developers work with us to get game data from one source. Grow through us on their platforms.
  • Enables 3rd party in-game quests
  • Marketing channels and trackin
  • Competitive training sites

Frequently Asked Questions

PlayFair is a blockchain-based gaming platform that securely captures and stores gaming data, providing valuable insights to game developers, players, and data customers while ensuring fair play through AI-powered anti-cheat technology.

PlayFair leverages the Avalanche Subnet, a customized blockchain solution, to store gaming data securely and immutably, ensuring data integrity and preventing tampering.

Initially, PlayFair will focus on integrating with popular gaming platforms like and Riot Games. As the platform matures, it will expand to support a wide range of gaming platforms and genres.

PlayFair's advanced AI-driven anti-cheat system analyzes gaming data in real-time, identifying anomalies and suspicious activities to detect and prevent cheating, ensuring a fair gaming environment for all players.

Yes, PlayFair's infrastructure is built on Avalanche Subnet and AWS cloud services, enabling it to scale efficiently and handle high transaction volumes and a growing user base.